Our faculty dean Prof. Dr. Adnan ADIGÜZEL, together with his wife Mrs. Şaziye ADIGÜZEL, Head of the Department of History of Turkish Islamic Arts Assoc. Prof. Dr. Günnur AYDOĞDU, and Res. Asst. Barış ÇAKAN, visited the Faculty of Arts at Yarmouk University in Jordan. During the visit, they held various meetings with the faculty dean, administrators, and some lecturers. We would like to express our gratitude to the dean, administrators, and lecturers of Yarmouk University's Faculty of Arts for their hospitality. We would also like to thank them for their kind sharing of the news on their website.
For the news: https://arts.yu.edu.jo/index.php/newarcat/3993-2024-09-03-06-05-41